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Install Service Manually

Different Connection Options

Before following this guide, note that you can connect to the Chassis service in one of two ways:

  1. Continue following this guide to install the Chassis service locally on a private Kubernetes cluster
  2. Bypass this guide and follow the instructions to connect to our publicly-hosted and free instance of the service

Install required dependencies

  • Install Docker Desktop
    • Try to run docker ps
      • If you get a permissions error, follow instructions here
  • Install Helm

Note: If you prefer to use Minikube for your Kubernetes distribution, make sure it can access the internet. Otherwise, your Chassis build jobs will fail.

Enable Kubernetes

Follow these instructions to enable Kubernetes in Docker Desktop.

Add the Helm repository

helm repo add chassis

After that we just need to update the Helm repos to fetch Chassis data.

helm repo update

Configure private Docker registry settings (Optional)

By default, installing the Chassis service will push all container images to a public Docker Hub account, which requires you to have valid credentials. If instead you have access to a private Docker registry, you can add a few lines of configuration before installing the Chassis service using helm. Note: only HTTP API v2 compliant Docker registries are supported.

1. Generate Kuberentes secret containing registry credentials

We first need to generate a Kubernetes secret of type dockerconfigjson that contains Docker registry credentials with push/pull permissions.

kubectl create secret docker-registry <registry-secret-name> \
  --docker-server=<private-registry-url> \
  --docker-email=<private-registry-email> \
  --docker-username=<private-registry-user> \

Visit Managing Secrets using kubectl for more details.

2. Create Values File for Helm Chart

Next, we will create a values.yml file to modify a few of the default values in the Chassis helm chart. This is where you can specify the base URL of your private registry and provide the name of the secret generated in the previous step.

  url: ""
  credentialsSecretName: "<registry-secret-name>"
  repositoryPrefix: ""

  pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
  tag: "1f20586e050416239b055faa18baf35ce5707a32" # Commit hash for latest version of Chassis service

For more details and different registry examples, visit the Private Registry Support guide.

Install Chassis service

Now we just need to install Chassis as normal using Helm.

helm install chassis chassis/chassis
helm install chassis chassis/chassis -f values.yaml

Check the installation

After having installed the service we can check that the Chassis service is correctly deployed.

kubectl get svc/chassis

Then you should see an output similar to this.

NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
chassis   NodePort   <none>        5000:30496/TCP   15s

We can also check that the pod that runs the service is correctly running.

kubectl get pods

Where we should find our pod listed.

NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
chassis-5c574d459c-rclx9   1/1     Running   0          22s

Query the service

To conclude, we may want to query the service just to see that it answers as we expect.

To do that, we need to port forward the service.

kubectl port-forward svc/chassis 5000:5000

Now that we have access to the service we can query it.

curl localhost:5000

Which should output an alive message.

Begin Using the Service

Congratulations, you have now successfully deployed the service in a private Kubernetes cluster. To get started, make sure you set up a Python virtual enviornment and install the chassisml SDK.

pip install chassisml

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