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Run Model in Postman

After building a container with Chassisml, there are several ways to interact with it: via Modzy, KServe, or locally on your machine. This tutorial demonstrates how to make API calls to a container locally using Postman.


To follow this tutorial, you do not need your own container as we provide an example Chassisml container for convenience. However, if you do you have your own model container, you can switch out the example container with your own.

Getting started

Install Required Dependencies

  • Install Docker
    • Open a terminal on your machine, and try to run docker ps
      • If you get a permissions error, follow instructions here
  • Install Postman
  • Download proto file

Download Sample Container

docker pull modzy/chassisml-image-classification

Spin up Container

Before interacting with the container using Postman, we need to first spin up the container and port forward it to a port we will use in the local URL configuration in Postman.

docker run -p 5000:45000 -it modzy/chassisml-image-classification:latest

In this docker command, we use the following parameters:

  • -p: Forwards the port serving the gRPC server inside the container (45000) to a local port (5000)
  • -it: Runs container interactively, so you can see the logs from the container as you make API calls to it

To learn more, visit the Docker run reference documentation.

After running the container, you should see this logs message printed to your terminal:

INFO:interfaces.modzy.grpc_model.src.model_server:gRPC Server running on port 45000

Send gRPC Requests to Running Container

Request Set Up

Once the container is running locally, open the Postman app. On the upper left part of the screen, select New and open gRPC Request.

Enter your local server URL into the first box.

In the second box, select the Import protobuf definition from local file and upload the proto file you downloaded during setup.

Give your protobuf a name and version.

The three remote procedure calls defined in the protobuf file (to which our Chassisml container adheres to) will appear in the Select a method dropdown.

We are now ready to invoke requests to the three remote procedure calls this container can respond to as defined in the model protobuf file.

Invoke Methods


First, we will invoke the Status() method, which will execute any model instantiation required for model inference.

Simply select the ModzyModel / Status option and click Invoke.

In the response section on the bottom of your screen, you should see the following information returned:

    "status_code": 200,
    "status": "OK",
    "message": "Model Initialized Successfully.",
    "model_info": {
        "model_name": "MXNET MobileNet Image Classifiction",
        "model_version": "0.0.1",
        "model_author": "Chassis",
        "model_type": "grpc"
    "description": {
        "summary": "Chassis model.",
        "details": "Chassis model.",
        "technical": "Chassis model."
    "inputs": [
            "filename": "input",
            "accepted_media_types": [
            "max_size": "5M",
            "description": "Input file."
    "outputs": [
            "filename": "results.json",
            "media_type": "application/json",
            "max_size": "1M",
            "description": "Output file."
    "resources": {},
    "timeout": {
        "status": "60s",
        "run": "60s"
    "features": {
        "batch_size": 1

The 200 status_code tells us the model was successfully spun up and instantiated. Notice the response also includes some metadata about our model.


Next, we will invoke the Run() method, which expects raw bytes as input to perform inference on, and in turn will respond with the model predictions.

To do so, first change the method from ModzyModel / Status to ModzyModel / Run.

As defined by the model protobuf file, this method expects a request that contains three inputs:

message RunRequest {
  repeated InputItem inputs     = 1;
  bool detect_drift             = 2;
  bool explain                  = 3;

Where the InputItem is defined as:

message InputItem {
  map<string, bytes> input      = 1;

Conveniently, Postman makes it very easy to create a properly-formatted input request message. At the bottom of the Request section, click Generate Example Message button.

Replace the example content in the "Message" box (right above Generate Example Message button) with this content:

    "detect_drift": false,
    "explain": false,
    "inputs": [
            "input": {"input": "base64-encoded-image"}

NOTE: Before invoking the Run() method, you must first replace the contents of the "input" string with an actual raw byte representation of an image. For the sake of this tutorial, we did not paste the full base64 encoding of an image, but to replicate the results listed below, download this image and upload it to this base64 encoder to get the full encoding. Replace "base-64-encoded-image" with the base64 encoded representation of the image (wrapped in quotes).

After pasting in the base64 equivalent of the image into the value string inside the request message, click Invoke to run a sample inference.

You should see the following JSON printed in the Response section.

    "status_code": 200,
    "status": "OK",
    "message": "Inference executed",
    "outputs": [
            "output": {
                "results.json": "eyJkYXRhIjp7InJlc3VsdCI6eyJjbGFzc1ByZWRpY3Rpb25zIjpbeyJjbGFzcyI6ImJveGVyIiwic2NvcmUiOjAuODE0MzAyNDQ0NDU4MDA3OH0seyJjbGFzcyI6ImJ1bGwgbWFzdGlmZiIsInNjb3JlIjowLjE2MjA1NTQ2MjU5ODgwMDY2fSx7ImNsYXNzIjoiU3RhZmZvcmRzaGlyZSBidWxsdGVycmllciwgU3RhZmZvcmRzaGlyZSBidWxsIHRlcnJpZXIiLCJzY29yZSI6MC4wMDYxOTQ1Nzg5NDkzNjIwMzk2fV19LCJleHBsYW5hdGlvbiI6bnVsbCwiZHJpZnQiOm51bGx9fQ=="
            "success": true

You will noticed the contents of the output object are also base64 encoded, as defined in the protobuf file. Decode the raw base64 string here. The decoded result should look as follows:

    "data": {
        "result": {
            "classPredictions": [
                    "class": "boxer",
                    "score": 0.8143024444580078
                    "class": "bull mastiff",
                    "score": 0.16205546259880066
                    "class": "Staffordshire bullterrier, Staffordshire bull terrier",
                    "score": 0.0061945789493620396
        "explanation": null,
        "drift": null

In practice, encoding and decoding data is easy to do in your program of choice, so these manual steps normally would not be required in a production API application. However, to conveniently construct and test gRPC APIs in postman, these steps are required.


Lastly, invoke the Shutdown() method the same way you invoked the Status() method. This will shutdown the container running locally on your machine.

Tutorial in Action

Follow along as we walk through this tutorial step by step!